Need an IT team, but aren’t looking to employ your own?
Eaglecrest offer a range of flexible options for businesses to increase efficiency and effectiveness with a highly skilled, flexible and attentive team based right here in Tasmania.
As a business owner, it’s important you focus on achieving your goals, rather than being stressed about keeping up to date with the rapidly changing demands of IT. We take a ‘whole of business’ strategic approach to the solutions we put in place and love to help people connect and add value to their lives with technology.
Our Service Options
Fully Outsourced
For business owners that want a partner who will manage all of their ICT infrastructure. We take the ultimate accountability and responsibility for your systems.
Prepaid Hours
For businesses that still want priority service but want to maintain overall management of their ICT infrastructure.
For businesses that only require our services a few times a year and dont require priority service or extensive site knowledge.
Why Choose Eaglecrest?
Eaglecrest have an unashamed “whole of business” client focus from strategy and delivery through to support.
We’re large enough to offer redundancy, options and diverse skill sets, but small enough to be agile and attentive.
Over 20 staff across offices in the North, North West and South of Tasmania.
Local service desk open 6am - 9pm weekdays.
Certified and experienced technicians.
100% Tasmanian owned employing Tasmanians.