Blog | Compliance | Don’t get taken by surprise.
Lets reset expectations!
Over the last 2-3 years, we have been working with our contracted clients on their compliance journey around Cyber Security, Essential 8 or ISO27001.
The first step, is usually the hardest and most commonly, it involves getting EVERYBODY ( board, owners, exec’s, staff and IT ) to all agree that things ARE NOT 100% secure and compliant and that we need to start somewhere.
It is much more important to be honest with what % compliance a company is currently at and having a plan to address the gaps VS blind pig headedness.
The below image is a typical organization’s dashboard approximately 3 months into a monthly compliance engagement, in that, the board | exec’s are aware that;
All requirements have been articulated, reviewed and selected from a relevant standard.
All requirements have had possible controls identified that will meet the requirements.
Of those controls, there are no “unsure“, like there would be at the beginning of the process.
The organisation is;
50% through the process BUT, depending on budget, timing and other business pressures, they might be 12 - 18 months away from 100%
ready and expecting that Insurance companies will add extra requirements each year.
aware that the Australian Government will continue to lift the awareness of cyber awareness ( Small business | )
Any small to medium business can start the journey, and the journey simply takes scheduled time and diligence BUT it will be a waste of time if the board or owners won’t take that HONEST first step of assessment. GREEN is the goal, but it starts with mostly RED.
A typical dashboard approximately 3 months into a compliance journey