Checklist | World Password Day - May 2nd | 5 tips for passwords.
Here are some tips to help your staff with your password policy.
Tip 1: Use Complex Passwords
Think beyond birthdays or pets names.
Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
Tip 2: Don’t Reuse Passwords
Keep your passwords unique for different apps.
A data leak on one website can make all your applications vulnerable.
Tip 3: Leverage Password Managers
Remembering passwords is hard.
Password managers securely store them and can even generate unique passwords for your applications.
Tip 4: Enable Two-factor Authentication (2FA)
Even strong locks can be broken.
Enable 2FA on all your cloud apps to make it harder for criminals to gain access.
Tip 5: Beware of Imposters
Watch out for phishing emails impersonating familiar contacts.
Clicking on links in these emails could put your business at risk.
Feel free to download and print out this PDF for your staff training -> DOWNLOAD HERE
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